Earth Hour 2017
SATURDAY 25th MARCH 08.30 PM (20.30 HRS)
Switch Off and Shine the Light on Climate Action
Earth Hour is the world’s largest, environmental grassroots movement in history, connecting hundreds of millions of people all over the planet.
Would it not be great if you could generate your own electricity which is clean, pollution free, economical and planet friendly? With rooftop solar energy systems you can set greener sails for a greener future.
On 25 March 2017, Switch Off and Switch Onto Solar Energy #GoSolar
India Unplugged! Carrying forward the message of the last two years, Earth Hour 2015 too will call out to India to unplug and switch to renewable energy for a greener tomorrow!
Did you know?
- Scientists believe that a greater than 2 degrees Celsius increase in temperature above pre-industrial levels can have very serious consequences for our planet. What this means is that droughts, floods, storms and heat waves may bring destruction to all life forms and places that are vulnerable and immediate recipients of a changing climate’s adverse effects. Rising seas could completely engulf low-lying areas. Food production, vitally important species, habitats and ecosystems can all become victims of destruction if the world does not unite against climate change.1
- But on a positive note, 195 countries at the COP 21 have agreed to reach greenhouse gas emissions neutrality in the second half of the century to stay below 2 degrees Celsius- this is necessary to avoid reaching the temperature trigger point that might melt the entire Greenland and the West Antarctic ice sheet!2
1. https://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/aboutcc/
2. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2646274-Updated-l09r01.html – See more at: https://earthhour.wwfindia.org/earth_hour_2017.php#sthash.yLUtJcyI.dpuf
Earth Hour belongs to you. Celebrate your commitment to the planet with your friends, family, community or at work – in your own way. A simple event can be just turning off all non-essential lights from 8.30pm-9:30 pm.
Whether you’re celebrating solo or getting hundreds of people involved, spread the word.
Earth Hour INDIA Video:
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