Udgam Trust Started Project Green- My Beauty My Earth on Teachers Day in Gandhinagar.
Udgam Trust is starting project Green-my beauty, my earth on the occasion of Teacher’s Day from 04-07th Sept. 2013. Project Green is related to sharing,caring & Nurturing of tree. We are not only planting tree but we will spread this message through teacher to child. Teacher always care, share and nuture students. so on this Teacher’s Day teacher will give tree to their student n give message that we are doing sharing,caring n nurturing of you like that you(student) need to do same.
Udgam Trust will give tree card to student and they will write monthly growth of tree. every month Udgam will monitor that growth and give some prize to nurturer. After one year Udgam will honor best nurturer student of the Gandhinagar. Udgam distributing 2600 sapling in 17 schools.

Udgam Trust Started Project Green- My Beauty My Earth on Teachers Day in Gandhinagar.